Drug and alcohol addiction is a widely misunderstood disorder that thousands of people struggle with every day. Addiction is a complex disease where people find it difficult to control their impulses regarding drug and alcohol use. Many people who may not understand think that people who are addicted lack morals or willpower and that they can just quit whenever they want to, but it is a more challenging thing to quit. The substances alter the brain, and their body becomes reliant on it, and when an individual just ups and quits, their body may react poorly or experience withdrawals that can cause serious harm. Drug and alcohol abuse is difficult to overcome without help.

The number one resource for people struggling with addiction to get help is to reach out to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). SAMHSA is a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services agency that leads the nation's efforts in the mission to advance behavioral health and reduce the impact of substance abuse in America. SAMHSA offers a National Helpline available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to call and get free, confidential treatment referrals and information. The service provides referrals to treatment centers, offers support groups and community-based support. The helpline will also send out free publications and information guides to help inform those who need help understanding their disease.
Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (OhioMHAS)
Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (OhioMHAS) is the statewide department dedicated to providing the citizens of Ohio an effective, high-quality mental health and addiction prevention, treatment, and recovery services.
OhioMHAS operates the Addiction Treatment Program (ATP) for Recovery Supports and Treatment Services for substance use and addiction services.
Recovery Supports
Recovery supports are assistance that is provided to an individual to help with addiction, or mental health needs to begin and sustain recovery. Recovery supports are provided through selected providers, and individuals are assessed on clinical, and client needs. The types of recovery support provided can be
Housing support in the form of room and board, rent deposits, short-term housing, and more.
Transportation support such as bus cards, gas cards, and cab fare.
Relapse prevention and recovery checkups
Providing childcare to enable an individual to attend treatment or support groups.
Employment assistance to help individuals gain employment through interview prep, educational job materials, and more
Peer support activities and support groups
Emergency basic need items such as food vouchers, clothing vouchers, and hygiene products
Treatment Services
The ATP provides select treatment services for uninsured people who need help. The ATP program funds cover the following:
Diagnostic assessments
Counseling and therapy in individual, group, and family settings,
Medical help for substance use disorder (SUD)
Inpatient and residential SUD services
Medication-assisted treatment
Crisis intervention
Withdrawal management services
Case management
Treatment for co-occurring meant health and substance use disorders
Medication-Assisted Treatment
Ohio provides medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for addiction in tandem with counseling and other forms of support. Ohio has one of the highest opioid death rates in the United States and is considered ground zero for the opioid epidemic. MAT is often the best choice to help people safely treat their addiction and help them regain their normal state of mind.
There are three main choices in medication for opioid treatment methadone, naltrexone, and buprenorphine. Individuals should take the medicines under the direction of a doctor to treat the addiction to opioids safely.
Community Transitions
OhioMHAS offers a program to help individuals who have mental illness and substance use disorder transition safely back into the community. People who receive treatment in facilities such as group homes and patients who have not lived in a community need help to adjust back into the world. The goal of Community Transitions is to help support people to learn to live and recover within communities.
Finding Treatment Centers
OhioMHAS works with SAMHSA to help find providers to help with substance use disorders, addiction, and mental illness treatments. There are resources across the nation that provide inpatient, outpatient assessments, counseling, medically assisted treatment, and more. Individuals can search for a local treatment facility by visiting https://findtreatment.gov/.
Cleveland, Ohio and enroll in recovery programs. Below is a list of some Ohio Rehab Providers and the services they provide:
Cleveland Treatment Center Inc.
Services provided: opioid treatment, assessment, medical evaluation/social, individual and group counseling, crisis intervention, vocational rehabilitation, and case management.
Payment Accepted: Federal, or any government funding for substance use treatment programs, Medicare, and Medicaid
Cleveland Treatment Center Inc Contact Information:
Phone: 216-861-4246 x240
Stella Maris
Services Provided: addiction treatment, detoxification services, withdrawal management, inpatient and outpatient services, medically assisted treatment, recovery housing, residential services, partial hospitalization program.
Payment Accepted: Federal, or any government funding for substance use treatment programs, Medicaid, and private health insurance
Stella Maris Contact Information:
Phone: 216-781-0550
Columbus, Ohio
Southeast Healthcare
Services Provided: Substance use treatment, treatment for co-occurring substance use, medically assisted treatment, counseling, outpatient, and more
Payment Accepted: Federal, or any government funding for substance use treatment programs, Medicare, and Medicaid
Southeast Healthcare Contact Information:
Phone: 802-222-5201
Ohio Guidestone
Services Provided: Substance use treatment, inpatient, medically assisted treatment, assessments and counseling, intensive outpatient program, recovery housing, recovery support groups, and substance abuse prevention.
Payment Accepted: Federal or any government funding for substance use treatment programs, Medicaid, federal military insurance, and more.
Ohio Guidestone Contact Information:
Phone: 888-522-9174
Cincinnati, Ohio
Central Clinic
Services Provided: substance use treatment, support, inpatient, outpatient, and more.
Payment Accepted: Federal, or any government funding for substance use treatment programs, Medicaid, cash, or self-payment
Central Clinic Contact Information:
Phone: 513-651-9300
Center for Addiction Treatment
Services Provided: Assessment, detox, treatment, counseling, support, and more.
Payment Accepted: Federal, or any government funding for substance use treatment programs, Medicaid, cash, or self-payment
Center for Addiction Treatment Contact Information:
Phone: 513-381-6672
Akron, Ohio
Summit Psychological Associates Inc
Services Provided: substance use treatment, outpatient, inpatient, and more.
Payment Accepted: Federal, or any government funding for substance use treatment programs, Medicare, Medicaid.
Summit Psychological Associates Inc Contact Information:
Phone: 330-535-8181